Medical Services
Community Health Center
OIC is dedicated to leading the area in comprehensive healthcare services that lead to smart health decisions for the community. OIC FMC uses evidence based care and self-management tools to aid patients in their care. Our medical services include:
- Annual Health Screenings for all ages
- Sport’s Physicals
- Kindergarten Exams
- Well Child Checks
- Physical Examinations
- Blood Pressure Screenings
- Diabetes Screenings
- HIV / STD testing and counseling
- Immunizations / Vaccinations
- Hepatitis Screenings
- Nutrition Counseling
- Mother-Baby Care
- Minor Gynecologic (female) procedures
- Chronic Disease Management
- CHEC (Community Health Education Center) meeting site for community affairs and education on chronic disease
- MAHC (Mobile Area Health Clinic) onsite testing and health screenings
- Care Coordination

OIC Mobile Area Health Clinic (MAHC)
Our Mobile Area Health Clinic (MAHC) provides on-site Primary Care and Outreach service throughout the community. The MAHC brings our services into the community for those who are unable to come to our facility. The MAHC is staffed by our Community Prevention Services (CPS) team members and a medical provider. In addition to serving MAHC clients with intake, counseling, and STI, Blood Pressure, Blood Glucose and other screening services, the CPS team provides door to door outreach services and information about various health concerns. Our CPS team also informs community members about programming opportunities at the Community Health Education Center (CHEC).

OIC MAHC partners with UNC Health Nash to promote care continuity
Through collaborative partnership with UNC-Nash, our Mobile Area Health Clinic (MAHC) provides on-site Primary Care throughout the community to improve access to the citizens of Rocky Mount and the surrounding area (the “Community”) and to promote continuity of care beyond hospitalization. The services offered are:
- Annual Health Screenings
- for ages 18 and up
- Physical Examinations
- Blood Pressure Screenings
- Diabetes Screenings
- Chronic Disease Management
Copyright © 2020 All rights reserved.This health center is a FQHC Health Center Program grantee under 42 I.S.C. 254b, and a deemed Public Health Service employee under 42 U.S.C. 233(g)-(n).
OIC Family Medical Center receives HHS funding and has Federal Public Health Service (PHS) deemed employment status with respect to certain health or health-related claims, including medical malpractice claims, for itself and its covered individuals.